Rediffmail Pro offers you the following convenient payment options.
- Cash on Delivery
- Credit Cards
Pay by MasterCard, Visa, Diners Card and American Express.
Order approval:
- Domestic Orders take 1-2 hrs minimum to approve
- Based on the type of order, there could be additional time required for approval. (for e.g, international, higher amounts,etc)
- Debit Cards
List Debit cards supported:
StateBank of India , HDFC Bank , Axis BANK , Corporation Bank , ICICI Bank , Karur Vysa Bank , Deutsche Bank , India Overseas Bank , Standard Chartered Bank , Barclays Bank , Canara Bank , CitiBank , Syndicate Bank , ABN Amro Bank , Yes Bank , IDBI Bank , Bank of Punjab , Dena Bank , City Union Bank Ltd , HSBC Bank , Bank of Baroda , Allahabad Bank , Central Bank of India , Oriental Bank of Commerce , Bank of India , Indian Bank , Development Credit Bank , Vijaya Bank , Union Bank of India , The Federal Bank , The Bank of Rajasthan , ING Vysya Bank.
- Net Banking
List Debit cards supported:
ICICI Bank , Axis BANK , HDFC Bank , Bank of India , CitiBank , Corporation Bank , Deutsche Bank , Federal Bank , IDBI Bank , Karnataka Bank , Kotak Bank , State Bank of Hyderabad , State Bank of Mysore , StateBank of India , Union Bank of India , Yes Bank , Jammu & Kahmir Bank , Bank of Bahrain & kuwait.
- Cheque / DD
- Please send your cheque/DD to the following address: India Limited
Mahalaxmi Engineering Estate
L.J. Road # 1, Mahim (West)
Mumbai 400 016. India - Please write the Order Number on the back of the cheque along with your Name & Telephone Number.
- Pick up facility: For select cities, we have pick up facility for cheque and DD. Your Cheque / DD will be picked up by our representative from Aramex, from the address given by you. You will be contacted by phone / in person in next 48 hours after you place the order.
- Order Approval
- Approval is based on the realization of the cheque.
- Local cheques are generally realized within 7 working days from the time we receive the cheque.
- Outstation cheques take 10-15 days.